One can redirect HealthVault applications to the HealthVault Shell for various reasons.
For example if you want to redirect a user to list of frequently asked questions, the url is this but one programmatically generate it as the code below :
using Microsoft.Health.Web;
/// <summary>
/// Redirect the user to HealthVault frequently asked questions
/// </summary>
public void RedirectToHealthVaultFaq()
RedirectToShellUrl(ShellRedirect.To.Help, ShellRedirect.Help.FAQ);
/// <summary>
/// Template class for HealthVaultShellRedirects
/// NOTE: Does not include all possible redirections
/// </summary>
public static class HealthVaultShellRedirect
public static class To
public const string Help = "help";
public const string AppAuth = "appauth";
public const string CreateAccount = "createaccount";
public static class Help
public const string FAQ = "topicid=faq";
public static class AppAuth
public const string AppId = "appid="; public const string Redirect = "redirect=";
public static class CreateAccount
public const string AppId = "appid="; public const string IsMRA = "ismra="; public const string PersistWCToken = "persistwctoken=";
For complicated targets one can use the string builder class to build the query string.
For example if one wants to redirect a user to healthvault for account creation. (HealthVaultShellRedirect, class is defined in first sample) :
/// <summary></summary>
/// Redirect a user to create a new healthvault account
public void RedirectForAccountCreation()
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(128);
// We are doing this for only one record
query.Append("&" + HealthVaultShellRedirect.CreateAccount.IsMRA + "false");
// We dont need a persistent token, it might be useful for managing campaigns
query.Append("&" + HealthVaultShellRedirect.CreateAccount.PersistWCToken + " ");
RedirectToShellUrl(HealthVaultShellRedirect.To.CreateAccount, query.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Redirect to HealthVaultShell for application authentication
/// </summary>
public void RedirectToAppAuthPage()
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(128);
query.Append("&" + HealthVaultShellRedirect.AppAuth.Redirect);
RedirectToShellUrl(HealthVaultShellRedirect.To.AppAuth, query.ToString());
A complete list of possible To targets and their parameters is detailed in this HealthVault forums post. Please be advised that lot of the functionality there is advanced and serves as a good reference.