Let me show you some awesomeness, and then I’ll explain what’s going on!
PS C:UsersvaibhavbDesktop> Import-Module HvPosh PS C:UsersvaibhavbDesktop> Grant-HVaccess
Is auth done? Is Auth done - (Y)? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is “Y”):y
PS C:UsersvaibhavbDesktop>** Get-Things weight | Format-Table** |
When Value Key TypeId TypeName EffectiveDa State Flags IsPersonal IsDownVersi te oned —- —– — —— ——– ———– —– —– ———- ———– 10/12/2011 175 pounds f7931e43… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 10/12/20… Active None False False 10/12/2011 385 d4b2e3ab… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 10/12/20… Active None False False 8/5/2011… 160 382e9e1f… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 8/5/2011… Active None False False 7/7/2010… 250 pounds 1a76d859… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 7/7/2010… Active None False False …
PS C:UsersvaibhavbDesktop> Add-Things weight 170 **PS C:UsersvaibhavbDesktop> **Get-Things weight | Format-Table
When Value Key TypeId TypeName EffectiveDa State Flags IsPersonal IsDownVersi te oned —- —– — —— ——– ———– —– —– ———- ———– 10/13/2011 170 pounds 45abc16d… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 10/13/20… Active None False False 10/12/2011 175 pounds f7931e43… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 10/12/20… Active None False False 10/12/2011 385 d4b2e3ab… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 10/12/20… Active None False False 8/5/2011… 160 382e9e1f… 3d34d87e… Weight M… 8/5/2011… Active None False False
So what is the cool thing going on above? Well in five commands we are able to authenticate, get and put weight readings in to HealthVault!
This is all possible owing to the magic of powershell, and a powershell HealthVault module (HvPosh). This is just a start, there all kinds of nerd scenarios this HealthVault command line shell can do! Think about command line automation for getting in all that data in to HealthVault, working with test data, understanding the healthvault xml, and doing all sorts of quantization on your personal health data!! The possibilities are limit-less, well at least for the command line nerds :).
So what is HvPosh?
HvPosh is a HealthVault powershell module currently running as a desktop client application. The source for this module is up on github and you are welcome to contribute more functions, cmdlets, test data or infact various analysis modules!
Take HvPosh for a spin, and yep! this is right out of oven so be gentle!
Fig 1. HvPosh On GitHub.