Whew! If our brains were computers, this week would’ve had them buzzing from an overload of fascinating reads and views across the digital landscape. So, let’s unpack this digital suitcase of knowledge, ensuring nothing’s crammed in the wrong compartment!
- [2024-04-09] - Software Heritage
An expansive archive of software source code aimed at preserving and sharing software heritage. - [2024-04-10] - Examples - shadcn-ui
Demonstrates how to build intuitive email interfaces with shadcn’s UI toolkit. - [2024-04-11] - How to set up a perfect Python project
A guide on establishing best practices for Python projects to improve code quality and maintainability. - [2024-04-13] - Adding Haskell’s where keyword to OCaml
Explores the potential benefits and methodology of incorporating Haskell’s ‘where’ keyword into OCaml. - [2024-04-13] - Applying to RC - Recurse Center
Details the application process for the Recurse Center, a retreat for programmers to explore and improve their craft. - [2024-04-16] - Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages - (or any static file hoster) - phiresky’s blog
Provides a clever method to host and query SQLite databases directly on static file hosts like GitHub Pages. - [2024-04-16] - Zstandard - Real-time data compression algorithm
Discusses Zstandard, a highly efficient data compression tool designed for real-time application. - [2024-04-17] - From 0 to Production - The Modern React Tutorial (RSCs, Next.js, Shadui, Drizzle, TS and more)
A comprehensive React tutorial covering everything from basic concepts to advanced configurations for production. - [2024-04-17] - PageSpeed Insights
A tool for analyzing the performance of web pages and getting suggestions to make them faster.
- [2024-04-11] - A Cyber Threat Intelligence Self-Study Plan: Part 1 - by Katie Nickels
Katie Nickels outlines a structured self-study plan for aspiring cyber threat intelligence analysts. - [2024-04-11] - Detection Development Lifecycle. Snowflake’s implementation of the… - by Haider Dost
A deep dive into Snowflake’s approach to developing and maintaining effective security detection systems. - [2024-04-16] - Bobby Tables but with LLM Apps - Google NotebookML Data Exfiltration
Discusses vulnerabilities and potential data exfiltration techniques in LLM applications using real-world examples. - [2024-04-17] - SC Ch 9
A video tutorial covering advanced security challenges and solutions in modern computing environments.
- [2024-04-15] - AI: Grappling with a New Kind of Intelligence
Explores the complex interactions and ethical considerations surrounding the development of large language models. - [2024-04-17] - Linus Torvalds Talks About LLM
Linus Torvalds shares his insights and opinions on the evolution and impact of large language models in technology. - [2024-04-17] - Making AI accessible with Andrej Karpathy and Stephanie Zhan
A discussion on the democratization of AI technology and making advanced tools available to a broader audience. - [2024-04-15] - Polymathic
An initiative aimed at integrating AI into various scientific disciplines to solve complex problems.
- [2024-04-15] - Miles Cranmer - The Next Great Scientific Theory is Hiding Inside a Neural Network
Miles Cranmer discusses how neural networks may hold the key to uncovering new scientific theories. - [2024-04-15] - MilesCranmer/PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia - towards science with LLMs
A tool for performing symbolic regression at high speeds in Python and Julia, designed for scientific research.
- [2024-04-16] - Dave Pascoe
An exploration into the methods and practices that contribute to long-term health and vitality.
- [2024-04-17] - LIVE: PM Narendra Modi talking to news agency ANI
A live interview with Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussing recent governmental policies and public issues.