Nutritional Supplements

Skepticism is the main thought I have had when it comes to nutritional supplements. However, based on blood tests and suspectibility to illnesses like cardio-vascular disease and diabetes following are some of the supplements. For each of them I mention, my basis for the research. However, I still need more evidence from blood tests to prove efficacy of any of them.

  • Blueprint Essential Capsules - These capsules provide essential vitamins, CoQ10 (to prevent heart illness), Glucaraphanic converts to Sulfophrance (which is documented to prevent cancer), Spermidine (researched to increase longevity in mice). Bryan Johnson has much more on his regimen and a good review of these is done by near
  • Ashwagandha - I take it in powered form in my protein shake. It is known to cause some stomach upset but I do fine with it.
  • Triphala - Triphala is mix of Amla, Bhabitki and Haritaki. Its known to help with digestion. I take 1 tbsp in my protein shake.
  • Vitamin D - In addition to Blueprint Essential I like the liquid form as Vitamin D3 help with bone strenthg. I take in liquid form in my protein shake.
  • Wheatgrass - 1 tbsp in protein shake known to help with Digestion.
  • Protein Powder - Well its pea protein, essential to helps with daily protein intake for a vegeterian.


Apart from above, I recommend reading: