I’m really happy that Vaidehi will be soon be going to The University of Maryland. Here program is a very interesting mix of techincal and managerial courses in telecommunications.
Over the four years in United States I have realized that early risers are very effective and efficient workers. However a student life is very un-predictable and some courses are in the evening as well. But hej, I guess everything gets over by 9 so waking up at 6 should not be a big deal!
From my campus life in the radical school of UCSC I learnt more my socializing with other folks than in the class-room. I actually got a very broad view of life and yep arts. So mixing with other folks and brooding new interests is something which is way easier in school than anywhere else.
The Indian education system focusses on rote learning and the culture to certain extent is closed (people just like to hang out with their kinds). These are the prime two things which one should strive to un-learn on the US campuses.
Having said a few paras about my learning and un-learning i must say that no education is complete with international experience. I will always feel lucky that i got a chance to undergo this amazing learning process.