Crozz Country Trailz Originally uploaded by vbha.
Had a lot of fun this weekend with a bunch of friends in Whislter. Most of us arrived on Thursday Mar 9 and went for the hills on Friday and Sunday. A few people joined us on Friday…along with a mysterious who. Anyways all we did was partyed, played with snow and got massages :).
Yep finally i can now go down a hill with a snow-board :). The instructor was really nice and what i discovered is that i can toe edge better than heel edgeing, exact opposite is true with most ppl!! Weird southpaws! Anyways i couldnot do the double-Cs of what they call diamonds successfully :(. But hey i can toe and heel edge and come down the slope with leaf falls (and some literal falls;) successfully!! Booyaa!!!
So here is Snowboarding101 learn 1. Heel edgeing 2.Heel edgeing with turns 3. Toe edgeing 4. Toe edgeing with turns 5. C- turn with starting with hell edge 6. C-turn starting with toe edge 7. The diamond !! Most important thing to remember is that you cruize on edge of the board and not the surface area!! And oh ya..wax your board before using it.