You can add the health vault search box to

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your site very easily.
;new Microsoft.HealthVault.SearchBox(0,null);

To add the box -

  1. Include the following in your head element -
<br></br><a href=""></a><br></br>
  1. Add the following to the div where you want the search box
<br></br><br></br> new Microsoft.HealthVault.SearchBox(0,null);<br></br><br></br>

The first element in the SearchBox describes the size of search box (1,2,3) and the second one will be a partner id for ad revenue sharing with the search box partners. If you want such an id for revenue share you will need to contact Microsoft.

  1. For contextual pop-up use the above script and annotate your text as follows -
    Example -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce <span onclick="" class="msHealthVaultContextualPopup">cancer</span> nibh sed nisi. Quisque id sem. Cbulum facilisis iaculis quam. Nulla euismod porttitor risus. </p><br></br><br></br><br></br>var myPopup = new Microsoft.HealthVault.ContextualPopup(null);<br></br><br></br>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce cancer nibh sed nisi. Quisque id sem. Cbulum facilisis iaculis quam. Nulla euismod porttitor risus.

;var myPopup = new Microsoft.HealthVault.ContextualPopup(null);