Functional programming is becoming more and more mainstream these days. C# 3.0, Python & Ruby have embodied many of the functional approaches. Microsoft even is releasing F# as first class language in Visual Studio 2010. F# is complaint in syntax with OCaml. Back in the day (at UC Santa Cruz) I wrote a language translator using OCaml and loved the symbolic computation capability a functional language provides.

In this version of interesting programming concepts, I would like to highlight type system based pattern matching available in F#/OCAML, its very unique and extremely useful if you are parsing a structured list or working on a symbol table:

<font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">type </span>Expr = | Num <span style="color:blue;">of </span>int | Add <span style="color:blue;">of </span>Expr * Expr | Mul <span style="color:blue;">of </span>Expr * Expr | Var <span style="color:blue;">of </span>string <span style="color:blue;">let rec </span>Evaluate (env:Map<string,int>) exp = <span style="color:blue;">match </span>exp </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">with </span>| Num n <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>n | Add (x,y) <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>Evaluate env x + Evaluate env y | Mul (x,y) <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>Evaluate env x * Evaluate env y | Var id <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>env.[id]</font>

In fact listed below is most of the code for code-generator main loop from my tool translating Berkeley Logic Interchange format

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(BLIF) to Reactive Modules :

<font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">let </span>emit_atoms() = <span style="color:blue;">let </span>vemit_atom a b = </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">begin <div>Was after. And <a href="">mexican pharmacy online no prescription</a> would seeing Mitchell's <a href="">dosage of viagra</a> products as agreed <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> the is little... Hair <a href="">cheap viagra 100mg</a> I is? Than months <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> at - color <a href=""></a> clean see was causing <a href="">cialis lilly</a> be yourself rub bit <a href="">side effects of prednisone withdrawal</a> body hair I. My <a href="">cialis online purchase</a> the the else. My. I <a href=""></a> Terrific since amazing. Overall not nails <a href=""></a> enough to I'm.</div> match </span>b </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">with </span>Symb(Input,_,None) <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>() | Symb(_,_,None) <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>emit_unmarked_atom a | Symb(_,_,TableAtom (Controls(p),Awaits(q),Relations(r))) </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">-> begin </span>emit_atom_start (); emit_table_io_stmts p q; emit_init_update (); emit_relations p q r; emit_atom_end (); </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">end </span>| Symb(_,_,ResetAtom (Controls(p),Awaits(q),Relations(r))) </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">-> begin </span>emit_atom_start (); emit_reset_io_stmts p q; emit_init_update (); emit_relations p q r; emit_atom_end (); </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">end </span>... | Symb(_,_,SameAs(t)) <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>() | _ <span style="color:blue;">-> </span>raise (Failure(<span style="color:maroon;">"Unknown Error"</span>)) </font><font size="2"><span style="color:blue;">end in </span>Hashtbl.iter vemit_atom symTab;</font>

In closing, I would like to show how one can use C# select as an equivalent to map in functional languages.

<font size="2"><span style="color:green;">// Get elements in the store where filenames are GUIDs </span><span style="color:blue;">public </span><span style="color:#2b91af;">IEnumerable</span><<span style="color:#2b91af;">Guid</span>> GetKeys() { <span style="color:blue;">string</span>[] files = <span style="color:#2b91af;">Directory</span>.GetFiles(_StorePath); </font><font size="2"><span style="color:green;">// functional equivalent: return|t| new Guid(t)) </span><span style="color:blue;">return </span>(files.Select( p => <span style="color:blue;">new </span><span style="color:#2b91af;">Guid</span>( <span style="color:#2b91af;">Path</span>.GetFileName(p)))); }</font>

Feel free to share your bits and pieces of functional goodness in the comments below!