I haven’t written an annual letter or sent those old school new year cards in last of couple of years. I sort of miss it already, and I’m continuing that tradition with 2012!

So welcome 2012, and bien adieu 2011!!


I started 2011 by ending a memorable bike trip around southern Indian peninsula. Subsequent to the trip I did a few fundraising dinners for Teach for India. The tour of south India was a not only an un-forgettable adventure which gave me a new perspective of India but at the same time we raised substantial funds for Teach for India! Thank you to everyone who made that trip possible.

As the fund-raising dinners tapered, I was elated to host my sister and brother-in-law. After years of cajoling, this year Vaishali and Lalesh did visit Vaidehi, Vivek and myself in US! We had a great time together and did  few family adventures including trip to the mountains, and a weekend in Vegas!

The snowboarding season this year extended through fall in to early summer. I ended up hiking to and snow-boarding down from Camp Muir, and Mt. Adams. The season ended with a summit Mt. Rainier with a small group of friends. After the 20 days ride in India, I was eager to do more touring. 2011 helped me finally get up to Vancouver on my bike and repeat parts of the memorable ride to San Francisco, this time cycling from Tillamook to Long island.

In May, I presented at the annual Microsoft Connected Health Conference with an audience of 150. In July, I was invited to talk at the open source conference (OSCON) in Portland on the Direct project, and at this conference I did my first public interview on camera! In October spoke to an audience of 1000 plus in a main session at Health 2.0 in San Francisco! Overall, a great public speaking and presentation year!

October was quite eventful. After several months of search, I ended up buying a townhouse. The best part about buying the place is that I bought it in a location I love, and was able to convince a good friend of mine to buy another unit – to be the amazing neighbors! The new dig is named – Liberation! Welcome to 2012 Liberation!

I became a proud uncle in October! Aarohi Jain arrived in this month, and I was happy to spend a couple of weekend with Vivek, Vaidehi and Mom with each one of us drooling over this beautiful soul! Welcome to 2012 Aarohi!

The last two months of year, did bring a decent amount of snow and snow-boarding this year has been quite good. Already been to Whistler and I’m loving my season’s pass at Stevens! Lots more new things hatched in these two months and I’m hoping to fish out details as they fruition!

On the vacation side, I have not taken any time-off this year partly because I spent most of that time working on a book with O’Reilly. I’m hoping to announce the details of the work soon! Hopefully a work worth forgoing the vacation for!

Lots more changes, new adventures and an exciting year ahead! Welcome 2012!

Happy New Year Card -
