I have written a bit about Vegetarian diet. The wide-spread understanding about vegetarian diet is that’s a bit heavy on bad carbohydrates and low on protein.

I have come across a great repository of ways to improve diets based on traditional east-Indian recipes. Given that a substantial amount of my cooking falls in to this category, I’m going to try a few recipes. The AAPI (American Association Of Physicians of Indian Origin) guide to Health, Nutrition and Diabetes is a great tool.

Fig 1. AAPI Nutrition Guide.

So dear reader if you have tried any recipes or tips from this book please let me know what you think. I’m trying to shed 10 pounds of fat (this is first time ever!) and gain a few in muscle.

**Dish** **Modification** **Reason**

Additionally it’s very interesting if one can make a recipe list to shop at particular stores similar to e-Mealz.
