On Aug 13-14 2013, ONC hosted the second Direct boot camp. For me this was a great venue to connect with partners, customers, team members and like minded folk in general! It was also great to see that conversation on Direct had graduated from learning to demonstrate what the community is doing to drive adoption of the communication standard and bring it to scale!
Among other things following were the key items discussed at the boot camp -
**What it takes to get accredited?
**Among other things DirectTrust and its members talked about the accreditation process for Direct and how its members have successfully gone through the process. Since the boot camp DirectTrust with ENHAC has published the guidelines for the process and a number of entities are ramping up for accreditation.
Update: Alan Viars has open sourced his Direct CA project, which in conjunction with the Direct reference implementation can be used to create a complete open source HISP, CA and RA. Additionally, Digicert also has made its certified Direct CA offering publicly available.
**What are new technical developments in the Direct project?
**The Direct project introduced two key technical achievements – Trust Bundles and Policy Engine. Both these capabilities allows fine grained control of how certificates are utilized. Infact, Direct trust has its trust bundle available here and the blue button project has its available here.
**What’s next?
**I’m hoping to write more about the the Direct project, Blue button and associated technologies. What would you like to know more about? Provider Directories, Certificates, CCDA ? Hopefully I’ll get a chance to cover a bit of those in coming posts.